Mermaid and Pirate Twin Birthday Design Process

You can order the backdrop Printable File Here

Partymazing Custom Design Process

My passion is to design sweet characters and everything related to parties. I believe that I came to this world to bring joy and happiness to the lives of others. I feel very fortunate to do what I do every day and help create wonderful parties. Here you can see the whole process from a sketch to a final design. The party starts with one with a single emotion inside me. I dream I imagine, I want to be at that party and there is a little girl inside of me that is called Mia who starts to get excited and give ideas of how she would like the party to be.

I have to pay attention to this little girl before she drives me crazy. I start drawing quickly everything she is saying because at any moment she goes to sleep or makes a scene … The notebook, the pen and I are one element trying to fulfill the wishes of the little girl who lives inside me. Right there the adventure begins.


I make a hand-drawing. The drawing is the first stone of a large building. That sketch has to have all the emotion that I want the party to have or I will not have done my job well. This step is much more than just a quick design because the drawing needs to carry the whole idea since the beginning. It might change a lot along the way, but the essence has to stay.
It is a black and white design, without effects, colors, shadows or glare. It has to work from there and serve me for everything else that I will do afterward.


A hand-made drawing in my favorite notebook after drawing in pencil, I applied ink on the drawing and then erased the initial lines. After that, I scan the drawing or take a picture to have it available in black and white.

2. Coloring, the magic of color

Mermaid Sketch with Color

Here comes the fun part of applying color, I like to use colored pencils and markers for this. I like to play with the tones as if I were a little girl. Sometimes I threw myself to the floor and colored for hours without realizing where the time is going.

3. Digitalizing the drawing

The little girl that lives inside of me is modern and current as my clients are. No matter how wonderful the idea is, it can not stay in the notebook. My design has to go to the wonderful digital world where it can come to life. The design can be nurtured with a number of tools and programs that can make effects that can make shadows shine, nourish it with wonderful colors, that’s where I use all these resources to start giving way and build a real product.

4. Fix the little details

A freehand drawing is almost always imperfect. That is what makes it really special. Sometimes it is necessary to improve the lines to make it even more beautiful. In this process, I improved the lines of the freehand stroke without losing the details of my style.

5. Colors with love

Digital tools offer a lot of possibilities in terms of color. There is no box of colors that could give me so many tones. The computer allows me gray shadows, lights and an infinity of effects that make my design more vivid.

6. Printing Test

I enjoy the creative process a lot but I am also a businesswoman and I need to make sure that the product I have created works. I need to know if colors and tones are well applied. I also check that the design looks cute and fun. Then I use one of my favorite tools: the color printer. I love printing my designs and then cut them out. It is amazing to see my designs take shape in the real world … You can see more of my creative process on my Instagram account, where I share photos and videos of the step by step of new creations.

I enjoy the creative process a lot but I am also a businesswoman and I need to make sure that the product I have created works. I need to know if colors and tones are well applied. I also check that the design looks cute and fun. I love printing my designs and then cut them out. It is amazing to see my designs take shape in the real world …

7. Design of new products:

This design is used to create a party and many new products. The sky is the limit! I created this party for Paula. Check this Mermaid and Pirate Party theme that is great for twins! This is Paula’s Mermaid & Pirate party, she created this amazing party and I had the honor to help her with the backdrop, invitations, party favor tags, and some other printables.

If you want to know more about my creative process or my designs visit my shop here.

More Pirate & Mermaid Ideas Here

This party was created by:

Backdrop by Partymazing

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